14 November 2008

Iran successfully tests Sajjil missile

The 'Sajjil'

Tehran - Iran has successfully test-fired a new generation of its longer range surface-to-surface missiles using solid fuel, making them more accurate than its predecessors, the defence minister announced on Wednesday.

Mostafa Mohammed Najjar said on state television that the Sajjil was a high-speed missile manufactured at the Iranian Aerospace department of the Defence Ministry. He said it had a range of about 2 000 kilometres.

At that range it could reach Greece and Bulgaria in south-eastern Europe, as well as easily strike arch-foe Israel.

Solid fuel missiles are more accurate than the liquid fuel missiles of similar range currently possessed by Iran.

The official IRNA news agency said the test was conducted yesterday and television showed the missile being fired from a launching pad in a desert region.

"This missile is a two-stage weapon with two combined solid-fuel engines and has an extraordinary high capability," the television quote Najjar as saying. He didn't elaborate.

Najjar said the missile was a defensive weapon and not a response to threats against Iran. He didn't name any country, but Israel has recently threatened to take military action against Iran to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb.

"This missile test was conducted within the framework of a defensive, deterrent strategy … and specifically with defensive objectives," Najjar added.

The name "Sajjil" means "baked clay", a reference to a story in the Qur'an in which birds sent by God drive off an enemy army attacking Mecca by pelting them with stones of baked clay.

Source: http://www.iol.co.za/


Sunah Sakura said...

salam..smoga kjayaan itu akan mgerunkn musuh2 Islam di dunia..smakin hebatlah nmpknya cabaran yg akan dhadapi oleh umat Islam d Iran (khasnya) dan serata dunia (amnya) lepas ni..tntunye musuh2 Islam akan brusaha mnyaingi snjata baru ni..

Anonymous said...

InsyaAllah.mudah-mudah..selagi mana umat islam bersatu padu dlm menentang musuh dan menjauhi penyakit 'hubbuddunya wa karohiyatul maut' (cinta dunia dan takut mati)..IsyaAllah musuh Allah akan gerun melihat kebangkitan umat Islam.Kut mana pun kena berbalik pada diri sendiri..sejauh mana amalan kita as muslim, jgn bercita-cita tinggi sedangkan diri sendiri x di motivasi..Segalanya bermula pada diri sendiri..Takbir!!

touchskill til die said...

apanya yang istimewa dengan burung terbang di atas... ngapain sih...enggak ada yang ajaib... owh..atau burung itu pengin makan pejuang yang konon nya syahid yang namanya belum dijannjikan Allah?.. mengapain kalian suka membunuh ummat.. usaha nabi adalah untuk selamatkan ummat... i dont like jihad bunuh orang kafir.. saya kesian dengan org kafir.. kalao kamu bunuh mereka tanpa kamu buat dakwah dan tablighkan risalah nabi kepada mereka...ertinya mengirimkan dia dalam neraka.. sedangkan usaha nabi adalah mengirimkan ummat ke syurga... GOBLOK PUNYA MUJAHIDIN... (J.I )