04 August 2009

Mogok Lapar Tahanan Palestin

Palestinian detainees in the Israeli Salem detention facility have conducted a two-day hunger strike in protest to the ongoing violence practiced against them by the Israeli prison guards and the bad living conditions.

File - Image Reprinted from the Palestinian Prisoners Scoiety
File - Image Reprinted from the Palestinian Prisoners Scoiety

One of the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society stated that the Israeli guards attacked recently room number 3 in the facility and beat up all the detainees in that room.

The army claimed that the detainees were talking loudly, and that the soldiers wanted to stop the noise.

The lawyer added that some prisoners informed him that the soldiers also punished some detainees by moving them to different cells.

The strike was conducted in protest to violence by the soldiers, guarding the facility, and the detainees stated that they will conduct further strikes should the prison administration fail to stop the violations and abuse.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society reported that the detainees demanded the Red Cross, legal and human rights groups, to increase their visitations to the facility to document the ongoing violations and the bad living conditions. (source)

p/s :

Teringat kembali peristiwa Cast Lead, iaitu serangan Israel laknatullah ke atas Gaza pada 27 Dis 2008. Seramai lebih kurang 1300lebih syahid sebagai syuhada, dan 5000lebih yang menderita kerana cedera. Walaupun dilihat lebih reda pada hari ini, penentangan dan penindasan masih berlaku di Palestine. Bumi suci Palestin ini akan terus mengalirkan darah syuhada' seperti yang telah Rasulullah s.a.w khabarkan.

"Sekumpulan dari kalangan umatku akan mempertahankan kebenaran, mereka mengalahkan musuh-musuh mereka dan orang-orang yang menentang mereka tidak dapat mengalahkan mereka dan hanya mendapat sedikit kerosakan, sehinggalah datangnya kiamat mereka tetap dalam keadaan demikian ," lantas para sahabat bertanya,"Dimanakah mereka Ya Rasulullah? ", Rasulullah menjawab,"Di Baitul Maqdis dan disekelilingnya"
(Riwayat Abdullah Bin Ahmad dan Thabran)
Tak cukup dengan menyiksa pelarian dan rakyat Palestin, tahanan yang dipenjara pun turut menjadi mangsa penyiksaan Israel. Tahanan di Malaysia bagaimana?


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